Personal Loan
A personal loan is an unsecured loan provided by financial institutions, such as banks or credit unions, to individuals for a variety of personal purposes. Unlike secured loans, which require collateral, personal loans are typically granted based on the borrower's creditworthiness and ability to repay. These loans can be used for a wide range of expenses, including consolidating debt, covering medical bills, home improvements, or funding a major purchase. The loan amount, interest rate, and repayment term depend on factors such as the borrower's credit score, income, and overall financial situation. Personal loans offer flexibility and can be a helpful financial tool, but it's important for borrowers to carefully assess their repayment capacity to avoid accumulating debt.
What is a personal loan used for?
You are free to use the funds you get from a personal loan any way you wish – fund a holiday, buy a gadget, pay for medical treatment, use on home renovation, spend on a wedding, finance your children’s education, etc.
What are the benefits
Another significant feature of Personal Loan is that the lenders offer you the flexibility to choose your loan tenure. Usually, Personal Loan tenure ranges from one to five years. So, you can select the loan term based on your repayment capacity.

How do personal loans work?
A personal loan works pretty much the same way as most loans. You apply for a loan, submit the documents, the bank checks your credit worthiness and makes a loan offer. If you accept it, the funds are transferred to your bank account, and you can use them any way you like.

Types of Personal Loans
Personal loans may be secured or unsecured. A secured personal loan requires some type of collateral as a condition of borrowing. Comparing the rates for secured loans from the best lenders is advisable. For instance, you may secure a personal loan with cash assets, such as a savings account or certificate of deposit.